
27 Mar 2023

We have been lucky enough to have been selected to benefit from the Co-Op Community Fund, this is a way that the members of the public can make donations to a good cause without having to put their hand in their pocket. Anything brought from the Co-Op group will generate a donation to the 1st Roffey cause, so please encourage all your family and friends to select 1st Roffey as their cause of choice with their Co-Op rewards card. More details are below:
Encourage members to choose you

1st Roffey Scout Group …

3 Sep 2022

We are excited to invite all young members, parents, other family members and all adult volunteers to our Annual General Meeting on 18th September. That said, the formal AGM is only a small part of what we have planned and usually takes no more than 30 minutes so please read on to see what else we are doing.Place: Beacon Hill Campsite (for new parents this is on the road between Faygate and Colgate)Time: Please arrive between 1:45 and 2:00 pm.On arrival please park sensibly in the main car park and …

7 Sep 2021

Please note that the 2021 AGM will take place on Sunday the 26th September 2021 at 14:00.
Due to the current Covid restrictions, we are unable to hold this AGM in the scout headquarters, instead it will be held in the Beacon Hill campsite. We will attempt to cover all weather eventualities but please assess the situation yourselves on the day and dress accordingly.
As per our normal AGM format there will be the formalities, followed by section reports, gsl report, district report and the awards ceremonies. Please come alone and support …

19 Aug 2020

This is just an update on what is happening with 1st Roffey scouts after the summer break.
We are all working tirelessly behind the scenes to deliver scouting to our 1st Roffey members and working towards face to face section meetings once again. We are following the guidelines set out by The Scout Association with regard to the new covid-19 regulations so that we can offer a safe environment in which our members can meet.
Please be patient, we know its difficult and everyone is very keen to get back to how …

3 May 2020

A Note from your GSL Chris Sillett:

The Scout Association has instructed that all Scouting activities must cease with immediate effect and this ban on activities will run at least until after the Easter holiday. By then it will be reviewed again and further instructions issued.This is obviously going to impact on our centenary celebrations as well as our normal Scouting programme but these are minor issues when compared to the impact that many of our Roffey families may suffer as a result of this pandemic. Our overiding responsibility is to …

21 Jan 2020

Horsham Lottery- We now have a Horsham District Community Lottery Page – Support local causes and you could win £25000 – 50% of all tickets sold goes to us – Tickets are only £1 per week – to buy your tickets go search for “1st Roffey Scouts”
We have also secured a place in the Co-Op local causes donation scheme, all you have to do is go to the co-op website, login as your rewards account and change your preferred local cause to 1st Roffey Scouts, this will mean that …

28 Aug 2019

The AGM for 1st Roffey Scout Group will take place on the 15th September 2019 from 1400hrs in 1st Roffey Headquarters.All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are invited to attend along with their parents or guardians.This will be a chance for everyone to meet with leaders and Executive members, see and hear what each section has been doing in the past year and hear what is being planned for our big centenary year, yes 1st Roffey is officially 100 years old in 2020!We are having a Bake Off challenge for …

15 Sep 2018

The AGM for 1st Roffey Scout Group will take place on the 16th September 2018 from 1400hrs at the 1st Roffey Scout Hut.
All beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers are invited to attend along with their parents.
This will be a chance for all parents to meet with the leaders and the exec members of the committee, talk about what 1st Roffey are doing and what you can expect in the next 12 months.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
Graham Maskell
Chairman of 1st Roffey scout Group

8 Jul 2018

Bingo Night 2018 Update
Here is an update on our recent, extremely entertaining and successful Bingo Night along with a few photos.
As always, our Group Chairman Graham did the honours as MC with his wife Vanessa operating the Bingo machine.
Halfway through we held a pudding auction where desserts donated by volunteers were auctioned to the highest bidder; plates, bowls and cutlery available for immediate consumption of course!
This year we had some really delicious homemade delights that raised record prices but we also had some more modest options for those …

27 Jun 2018

We entered two teams in this year’s raft race at Southwater Lake; one for those aged 12 and over and one for those aged under 12.
Both teams built sturdy craft which not only survived being manhandled to the lake but also being thrown in and then paddled in two separate races.
As always, we enter this for fun and don’t take our raft racing that seriously. As expected we didn’t win anything which was just as well as our GSL had promised to enter the adult race in the clothes …