
We have a very active fundraising section at 1st Roffey scout group, many events are planned throughout the year, so please support these if you can.

Our fundraising efforts since 2018 have successfully raised funds for a new floor, as you can imagine this was no small project and needed some major funding, this was obtained via the hard work and dedication of the 1st Roffey Executive Committee.

But we cannot stand still there are still many more improvements and additions we wish to make to 1st Roffey, whether its hut enhancements or stock changes, they all need funding, this is where you as parents or friends come in.


Horsham Lottery- We now have a Horsham District Community Lottery Page – Support local causes and you could win £25000 – 50% of all tickets sold goes to us – Tickets are only £1 per week –  to buy your tickets go to:

and search for “1st Roffey Scouts”


We  are also registered for ‘Easy fundraising’, this is something we encourage everyone to do, it costs noting, but generates funds for us that would otherwise be unavailable.

Search for ‘1st Roffey Scouts’ here, and register:

Fundraising | Charity Fundraising Online | Easyfundraising

Whenever you go to any site to purchase anything, logon to that site through easyfundraising and we get a few pennies for everything your spend, does not cost you anything.

Please pass this information onto friends and family, thank you.


Some of you will remember that 3 years ago we applied to the Co-op Local Good Causes campaign for funds to help us replace the floor in the main hall of our Scout HQ and, thanks to the efforts of all of our members and the generosity of the Co-op, we received a substantial donation towards the costs. Without them we would not have been able to replace the floor when we did so we were very grateful.

More recently, as part of our fundraising efforts to refurbish the Explorer room in our Scout HQ, we applied again and we are very happy to report that we have been selected to receive funds again! The latest Co-op Local Good Causes campaign runs for 1 year from now till the 21st Oct 2023, but we need your help.

As a Co-op member, when you buy selected Co-op branded food products and services, 1% of the money you spend goes to your preferred local cause so we would like you to make that “1st Roffey Scout Group”.

If you are not already part of the Co-op membership scheme you can join by following the link below.
Remember that when you join you can select your favourite local cause so please make that “1st Roffey Scout Group”.

If you are already a member, please sign into your account, on a desktop/laptop, and change your supported local cause to “1st Roffey Scout Group”. This does not cost you a penny. Just shop as normal and the Co-op fund the donation.

We would be very grateful if as many people as possible were to add “1st Roffey Scout Group” as their prefered local cause, so please ask your family and friends to set their preferred local cause, so that everytime they spend in the Co-Op they will be helping “1st Roffey Scout Group” refurbish their scout hut.

To join the Co-op membership scheme, click here

When you have joined you can then choose 1st Roffey Scout Group as your preferred local cause.

Thank you very much for your ongoing support for 1st Roffey Scouts.

How can you help???

We know many of you are busy and don’t have a great deal of time to give but we would like to create a list of people who are happy to be ‘occasional helpers’. Maybe you could bake? Help with some maintenance at the hut? Help set up or run an event? Sell raffle tickets? Donate a raffle prize? Does your employer match funding or provide funds/prizes/grants? If you want to get involved please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, use the contact form on this site.

Many thanks,

Graham Maskell

1st Roffey Executive Committee Chairman